We’ve worked to compile a list of Google My Business (GMB) categories that have review attributes. Our title is more aspirational than specifically accurate but we will periodically update the list as we discover changes.

A couple of things to keep in mind as to why we can’t achieve 100% accuracy. First, we can’t see or know all of the categories that have these attributes. Second, these Google review attribute categories are a moving target. Google is still testing which categories will show them. Third, we think that Google is (or will be) expanding the categories on which they show.
For example we have seen Google review attributes on both Chiropractor’s and Osteopath’s profiles in the US, UK, and Australia but they are not showing in the wild at the moment.
So hopefully a really good list will suffice and be a helpful resource for you.
But the broader rollout of Google Review Attributes is very exciting. We see them as a critical piece of the review puzzle and that inspired us to add the ability to monitor review attributes in GatherUp, use our product to help understand what the attributes are telling you AND to help market them effectively on your website.
We obviously think that they are incredibly valuable as they solve problems for Google, the consumer AND the business. They do this through simplicity and low effort for consumers and (with GatherUp) for businesses as well.
We broadly “grokked” that they had been expanded from home services to broader service-focused businesses but we also wanted to understand more granularly the specific GMB categories that provided these attributes.
Google My Business Categories With Review Attributes
So far our platform and team have identified 275 GMB categories that offer the new review attributes:
GMB Categories A-E | GMB Categories E-P | GMB Categories P-W |
Accountant | Electrician | Personal Injury Attorney |
Accounting Firm | Elevator Service | Personal Trainer |
Advertising Agency | Emergency Locksmith Service | Pest Control Service |
Air Conditioning Contractor | Employment Agency | Pet Boarding Service |
Air Conditioning Repair Service | Employment Attorney | Pet Groomer |
Air duct cleaning | Estate Planning Attorney | Pet Sitter |
Air Duct Cleaning Service | Family Law Attorney | Pet Trainer |
Alternative Medicine Practitioner | Fence Contractor | Phone Repair Service |
Animal Hospital | Financial consultant | Photo lab |
Apartment Rental Agency | Financial Institution | Photography Service |
Appliance Repair Service | Fire Protection Service | Physician Referral Service |
Arborist And Tree Surgeon | Fitness studio | Piano Instructor |
Asbestos Testing Service | Floor Refinishing Service | Piano Moving Service |
Asphalt Contractor | Flooring Contractor | Plasterer |
Assisted Living Facility | Furnace Repair | Plumber |
Auto Body Shop | Furniture maker | Plumbing |
Auto broker | Furniture Repair Shop | Pond Contractor |
Auto Dent Removal Service | Garage Builder | Pool Cleaning Service |
Auto Electrical Service | Garbage collection service | Powder Coating Service |
Auto Glass Shop | Garbage Dump Service | Pressure Washing |
Auto Insurance Agency | Gas Engineer | Pressure Washing Service |
Auto Painting | Gazebo builder | Print Shop |
Auto repair | General Contractor | Private Investigator |
Auto Repair Shop | Glass Repair Service | Property maintenance |
Auto Restoration Service | Glass Shop | Property Management |
Bankruptcy Attorney | Gym | Raft Trip Outfitter |
Barber Shop | Hair Removal Service | Real Estate |
Bathroom Remodeler | Hair Salon | Real Estate Agency |
Beauty Salon | Hairdresser | Real Estate Agents |
Beauty School | Handyman | Real Estate Appraiser |
Bricklayer | Health Insurance Agency | Recruiter |
Business Center | Heating Contractor | Remodeler |
Cab service | Home Builder | Repair Service |
Cabin rental agency | Home Improvement Store | Roofing Contractor |
Cabinet maker | Home Inspector | Sanitation Service |
Cabinet Store | Home Insurance Agency | Security Guard Service |
Car Accessories Store | Home Staging | Security system installer |
Car Detailing Service | House Cleaning Service | Security System Supplier |
Car Finance And Loan Company | House Painting | Septic System Service |
Car Inspection Station | HVAC Contractor | Shed builder |
Car Repair And Maintenance | Hypnotherapy Service | Siding Contractor |
Car Wash | Ice Dam removal | Sightseeing Tour Agency |
Carpenter | Immigration Attorney | Sign Shop |
Carpet Cleaning Service | Information Services | Skin Care Clinic |
Carpet Installer | Insulation Contractor | Skylight Contractor |
Carpet Store | Insurance Agency | Smog Inspection Station |
Caterer | Insurance Broker | Snow Removal Service |
Certified Public Accountant | Interior Construction Contractor | Social Security Attorney |
Chimney Services | Interior Designer | Software Company |
Chimney Sweep | Interior Decorator | Solar Energy Contractor |
Cleaners | Internet Marketing Service | Spa |
Cleaning Service | Internet Service Provider | Staffing |
Commercial Agent | Janitorial service | Swimming Pool Contractor |
Commercial Cleaning | Jewelry Designer | Swimming Pool Repair Service |
Commercial Cleaning Service | Karate/Taikwondo | Tanning Salon |
Computer Repair Service | Kennel | Tattoo And Piercing Shop |
Computer Security Service | Kitchen Remodeler | Tattoo Shop |
Computer Service | Landscape Designer | Tax consultant |
Computer Training School | Landscape lighting designer | Taxi Service |
Concrete Contractor | Landscaper | Taxi Stand |
Construction Company | Laundry Service | Telecommunications contractor |
Consultant | Law Firm | Tennis Court Construction Company |
Container Service | Lawn Care Service | Title Company |
Contractor | Lawyer | Tour Agency |
Credit Counseling Service | Learning Center | Towing Service |
Criminal Justice Attorney | Legal Services | Training centre |
Custom Home Builder | Limousine Service | Travel Agency |
Custom Label Printer | Loan agency | Tree Service |
Dance School | Locksmith | Truck Repair Shop |
Day Care Center | Log Home Builder | Trucking Company |
Day spa | Logistics Service | Tutoring Service |
Daycare | Make-up Artist | Vacation Home Rental Agency |
Debris Removal Service | Mapping Service | Veterans Organization |
Debt Collection | Marketing Agency | Veterinarian |
Deck Builder | Masonry Contractor | Waste Management Service |
Delivery Service | Massage | Water Damage Restoration Service |
Demolition Contractor | Mechanic | Water sports equipment rental service |
Design Agency | Media Company | Web Hosting Company |
Divorce Lawyer | Medical Spa | Website Designer |
DJ Service | Mental health service | Wedding Planner |
Dock Builder | Mobile Phone Repair Shop | Wedding Service |
Dog Breeder | Mortgage Broker | Wedding Venue |
Dog day care center | Mortgage Lender | Weight Loss Service |
Dog Trainer | Movers | Well & Pump |
Dog Walker | Moving And Storage Service | Wellness Center |
Double Glazing Installer | Moving Company | Window Cleaning Service |
Drainage Service | Music School | Window Installation Service |
Driving School | Nail Salon | Window Supplier |
Dry Cleaner | Oil Change Service | Window Tinting Service |
Dry Wall Contractor | Painter | Windshield repair |
Dumpster Rental | Paving Contractor | Wood Floor Refinishing Service |
Education Center | Permanent Make-up Clinic |
Primary Categories Determine If You Have Attributes
An interesting note is that just because you have one of the above categories on your listing, doesn’t mean you will see attributes UNLESS that category is your primary category. For example, if your Google listing is noted as both a “jewelry store” and a “jewelry designer”, you will only get the attributes if “jewelry designer” is the primary category.
As we find more Google categories that offer review attributes, we will add them to this list so that it is kept updated. One day, if the world stands still for a moment, it will in fact be “complete”.
We could use your help as well. If you find a GMB category not on our list that is showing Review Attributes add it to the comments and we will add to the list.