SMS Marketing – GatherUp Feedback, reviews & customer experience Fri, 21 Jun 2024 20:26:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SMS Marketing – GatherUp 32 32 SMS Compliance: How to Properly Get an SMS Opt-In for Promotional SMS Thu, 15 Jun 2023 18:42:22 +0000

SMS marketing is a popular method of marketing to and communicating with your customers via text message. If your business is looking to launch an SMS marketing strategy and tools, you must pay attention to SMS compliance.

It’s understandable, however, if the term “compliance” brings up a certain amount of trepidation, since not understanding or adequately managing compliance can put your business at risk. And SMS marketing compliance is no different.

To help instill confidence in your SMS marketing efforts, let’s discuss why SMS compliance is so important and how you can ensure you stay on top of it with an SMS compliance checklist.

Importance of SMS compliance

Today, SMS is the fastest-growing marketing channel because it reflects the preferred mode of communication — texting — among consumers. That’s why using SMS to reach your customers is one of the most effective marketing strategies.

However, the explosive growth of SMS marketing has resulted in new laws and regulations governing it. SMS compliance standards have become stricter to protect consumers from unwanted business solicitations and communications over the years. Laws around spam, consumer privacy, and data collection — including the Federal Communication Commission’s Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and CAN-SPAM Act, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the Cellular Telephone Industries Association (CTIA)’s best practices for business texting — restrict who businesses can text and for what purposes. 

If you’re not sure which SMS laws or practices apply to your particular business, you risk fines, lawsuits, or worse. And if you needlessly bother your customers with texts they don’t want, you can damage your business reputation as well.

To be clear, though, the point of talking about an SMS compliance checklist isn’t to scare you away from SMS marketing. Many types of businesses use SMS every day — without incident. So as long as you’re following a few critical rules, you can go forward confidently knowing that you’re using SMS responsibly.

The TCPA and SMS compliance

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) is the primary law regulating SMS compliance. Originally enacted to protect consumers from telemarketers, the TCPA has since evolved to include text messages.

Here’s what the TCPA stipulates with regard to businesses using SMS (which we’ll cover in greater detail below):

  • You may not send text messages to consumers without their consent.
  • You must get explicit written consent from consumers to contact them. Providing a double opt-in process in which the customer provides consent when they initially subscribe to SMS, and then again with the first text they receive, is a legal way to meet “explicit written consent.” 
  • You must provide an easy way for customers to opt out of texts at any time.
  • You may not send or schedule texts to arrive before 8 a.m. and after 9 p.m. in your subscribers’ time zone(s).
  • You must provide clear and truthful information and avoid sharing prohibited content in messages.
  • Lastly, you must identify yourself and include your company’s name in every message so customers know who the message is from.

Failing to follow SMS compliance is a surefire way to irritate your customers and get into trouble. For example, without proper SMS opt-in, you can be fined anywhere from $500 to $1,500 per willful violation, meaning you knowingly texted a customer who wasn’t opted in. Fines can add up if you’re not careful, which brings us to the SMS compliance checklist.

How to get compliant: Your SMS compliance checklist

Now that we’ve talked about the TCPA, let’s get into the practical details of how to go about achieving SMS compliance. The following outlines the steps and a checklist to properly ensure SMS opt-in and opt-out are legally sound. Disclaimer: this information does not constitute legal advice. Please check with your legal counsel if you have specific questions or concerns.

1. Get set up with an SMS-compliant platform

The texting platform you use needs to comply with the TCPA by providing double opt-in, automatically unsubscribing customers when they opt out, and keeping all customer information safe. Choosing an all-in-one reputation management platform with built-in SMS capabilities is ideal as you can easily incorporate SMS-compliant campaigns into your overall marketing strategy with convenient one-stop access to existing customer data and feedback that you collect and monitor as part of a reputation management strategy.

The platform you choose should also allow you to register the phone number(s) you’ll use to text customers as part of the A2P 10DLC (Application-to-Person 10 digit long code) standard. This is a newer SMS compliance requirement from 2023 intended to reduce spam that allows mobile carriers to make sure businesses are texting customers in a consensual way. To register, you’ll need to understand your business or brand type, texting use cases, and the phone numbers you’ll be using for your SMS campaigns.

There are a number of SMS marketing software solutions on the market that meet SMS compliance — including complete reputation management platforms — so it shouldn’t be difficult to find one that’s right for your business.

2. Legally and transparently acquire customer contact information

When a customer makes a purchase, signs up for an account, or visits your website or store location, you can ask for their contact information including name, email, address, and phone number. 

However, if you ask for their phone number and want to text them, you must get consent and provide disclosure language for them to opt into text communications (see the example below) to meet SMS compliance. Disclosure language should include a privacy policy and terms and conditions governing the collection, use, and sharing of such customer information that can include:

  • What type of messages customers can expect to get from you
  • How often they can expect to get messages
  • Message and data rates that may apply, depending on the carrier
  • Opt-out instructions
  • Help information

3. Offer a double opt-in agreement — a.k.a. explicit written consent 

The first text message you send to your SMS subscribers should be an automated text asking for additional consent (see the example below) and including your business name so they know who the text is coming from. Additional consent is especially important for your SMS compliance if you’re using texting to send promotional or marketing texts or texts that include personal information.

Customers responding with “Y” or “Yes” are truly opted into your SMS program. Anyone responding “N” or “No” have NOT opted in to receive SMS from you and should not be contacted unless they reinitiate and then provide double opt-in consent.

Double opt-in isn’t quite as important if you plan to send texts that pertain to customer support inquiries only. But asking for double opt-in no matter what ensures you’re only texting customers who truly agree to it.


4. Provide customers an easy way to unsubscribe — or opt-out

Like email, SMS compliance requires that you offer a way for customers to unsubscribe from your text communications.

This means you need to include language at the end of every text you send that reads something like “Reply STOP to unsubscribe” — or a similar phrase — so that every subscriber knows they can choose to stop receiving text messages from you at any time and have exact instructions on how to do so (see the example above). 

Then immediately and completely remove any customers who opt out from your SMS subscriber list.

5. Don’t send prohibited content

SMS compliance also applies to the message itself. To meet requirements, you must be careful not to send messages with unlawful or illicit content. Not only is this a legal obligation of yours, but it simply makes good sense not to turn off your SMS subscribers with inappropriate messages. The point is to keep them engaged and interested in your content — not offend them. 

According to the CTIA, which represents the wireless communications industry, as a business you should avoid sending:

  • Spam
  • Fraudulent or misleading messages
  • Depictions or endorsements of violence
  • Inappropriate content
  • Profanity or hate speech
  • Endorsement of illegal drugs
  • Content that violates legal or ethical obligations when marketing to children under the age of 13

6. Only send texts during appropriate hours

You’re not quite done yet. No SMS compliance checklist is complete without ensuring the timeframe in which you send text messages is during typical business hours. This helps ensure that you’re respecting your customers by not unduly waking them up in the morning or bothering them late at night. 

To stay within appropriate hours, avoid sending texts before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. in the time zones in which your SMS subscribers live. 

Quick-scan SMS compliance checklist

Now that you understand the basic laws and best practices around SMS compliance, here’s a checklist you or your team members in charge of SMS marketing can quickly scan and refer to:

  • Does the texting platform you’re using offer features that meet SMS compliance?
  • Have you registered the phone number(s) from which you plan to send SMS campaigns?
  • Have all of your SMS subscribers willingly provided their contact information and consented to be contacted by SMS?
  • Upon receiving initial consent, did you send a first text message to your SMS subscribers asking for explicit written consent through additional opt-in (or double opt-in)?
  • Are you only sending messages to those subscribers who consented via double opt-in?
  • Do you always provide a way for subscribers to opt out of receiving text messages?
  • If someone opts out, did you promptly remove them from your SMS subscriber list?
  • Are your text messages appropriate for each audience and do they avoid unlawful or illicit content?
  • Do you send or schedule texts during typical business hours? 

To learn how GatherUp’s reputation management platform with built-in SMS marketing capabilities can help you cross off your SMS compliance checklist, start a free trial today.

SMS Marketing: The Ultimate Guide for 2024 Tue, 06 Feb 2024 22:26:29 +0000

As many as 85% of Americans own a smartphone. It’s estimated that 15 million texts get sent every minute of every day, and mobile devices are the source of over half (54%) of today’s web traffic

With so many people comfortable with using smartphones to search, shop, and text, SMS marketing is a smart, effective way to reach and engage with customers exactly where they are: on the go and on their phones.

Here’s a deep dive on what SMS marketing is and how it can work for you.

What is SMS marketing?

SMS (short message service) marketing — also known as text marketing — enables you to share promotions, discount codes, event announcements, surveys, appointment confirmations and reminders, and much more with your customers — all via text message. 

It’s an easy-to-use, personalized, real-time marketing method that’s increasingly popular in our digitally connected world. And because text messages are usually concise, informative, and action-oriented, they’re a great way to motivate and engage customers and drive conversions.

Why SMS marketing works

Even though SMS marketing has been around since at least the mid-2000s, many businesses got on board with it during the pandemic when they began to realize the benefits of it — mainly its immediacy, relevancy, and reach. 

As SMS opt-in rates continue to rise, 67% of business owners and marketing managers have now increased their SMS marketing budgets. And researchers predict that by 2025 the SMS marketing industry could be worth over $12.6 billion

So, why does SMS marketing work so well?

1. Texting is popular, immediate, and easy

Today’s lifestyles are all about speed and ease, and texting is a perfect reflection of this. Getting in front of people with a text message is a great way to grab their attention in real time. When customers see a text from your brand or business, they can take immediate action — right there on their device, with very little effort. There are no extra steps required to read your message, such as sitting down at a desktop computer or opening up email or a social media app.

Plus, advancements in technology have made SMS marketing services even easier and more appealing for businesses and customers alike. For example:

  • Many texting platforms now support multimedia messaging (MMS) — a step up from text only — which allows you to get more creative and engaging with the messages you send, such as sharing images or short videos.
  • Geo-targeting technology makes it possible to find nearby SMS subscribers and target them with messages. 
  • 5G wireless technology, now widely deployed across the country, makes SMS faster than ever — whether you’re sending a text or receiving one.

2. Texting helps build a human connection

A text message feels more personal, friendly, and casual — and less like mass-produced spam — than other forms of marketing and advertising. Texting is also an effective way to check in and follow up with customers after a sale or in-person interaction. A quick, personalized text shows you care about the customer and are anticipating what they might want or need next.

It’s those little human touches and connecting points that help build positive customer relationships and can win you fans for life.   

3. Texting gets great response rates

Our collective shorter attention spans makes texting a better option than email, since fewer people are willing to take the extra time to open up and read marketing emails. Many people may feel like they’re inundated with email and can’t keep up, or they just assume that most marketing emails are spam. 

That’s why text open rates are as high as 98%, whereas email open rates are only around 20%. Furthermore, 98% of people read a text message within a few minutes of getting it, but only 22% of people do the same with an email. Though email campaigns still have their usefulness, text messages outperform email when it comes to the responsiveness of the audience.

4. Texting is expected

Consumers are used to the convenience factor of searching, shopping, and interacting with brands and businesses on their phones. Today, almost half (48%) of customers prefer to get texts from businesses — vs. calls, emails, or other types of communication. Add to this the fact that 94% of people won’t answer a call from an unidentified number anyway. 

To communicate with customers in the convenient ways they’ve come to expect and to take full advantage of the effectiveness of text marketing, now is the time to look into SMS marketing services and incorporate them into your business.

Benefits of SMS marketing

Consumers aren’t the only ones who get something out of texting. Businesses of all sizes in a variety of industries benefit from it too. With an SMS marketing strategy and tools, you can:

  • Reach more people faster: Text marketing allows you to proactively reach out to your entire subscribed audience — not just the people who walked into your store that day or happened to notice your social media post — and send them a message they can receive and interact with in real time.
  • Increase customer engagement: Every text interaction is an opportunity for your customers to think about you in the moment and then take the next step, such as click over to your website, call with a question, or book an appointment. And because your customers see your texts quickly, your messages don’t get lost or ignored for hours or days, as they might in an email inbox. 
  • Bump up sales: Texting subscribers with an offer they can’t refuse — such as a product promotion, private sale event, or discount code — increases the likelihood of a sale. To illustrate the point, a recent study found that 68% of consumers find it helpful when a favorite brand alerts them when items go on sale, and that timely offers are the top reason consumers decide to make a purchase.
  • Improve the customer experience: Texting is especially useful when you share relevant, highly personalized content with your customers. It shows them that you’re paying attention to their specific needs and preferences and want them to have a great experience with your business.
  • Boost customer loyalty: The personal, authentic nature of texting helps build an emotional connection to your customers, which, in turn, builds trust. Trust and emotion are key to building and maintaining customer loyalty.
  • Get started quickly: Unlike with traditional marketing methods, you don’t need a graphic designer or dedicated writer, or have to commit tons of time yourself to creating content. You can just choose one of the many user-friendly texting platforms available and fire it up relatively easily, with only minimal onboarding and learning. Or you can partner with a digital agency that offers SMS marketing services and let them manage it for you.
  • Earn a better ROI: The results you get with SMS marketing can net you a better return on investment — both in time and money spent — than what you would get with many traditional marketing and advertising tools and campaigns. 

How to get started with SMS marketing

As mentioned above, you don’t need to hire more people or set aside a lot of time to incorporate SMS marketing into your business. Here’s how you can hit the ground running:

1. Build an opted-in subscriber list

If you already have a customer list with names and contact info, this is a great foundation upon which to build. If you don’t have a list yet, start by collecting phone numbers from anyone who visits your website, walks into your store, or makes a purchase. 

You’ll need to properly disclose upfront to everyone — people who are new to your contact list and those who have been on it for a while — that you’re collecting phone numbers to subscribe them to SMS. Don’t add anyone who doesn’t explicitly opt in — a.k.a. voluntarily give consent to get texts from you. 

2. Adopt a texting platform

There are a lot of SMS marketing software options available on the market with basic features to get you up and running quickly, including tools to help you create, write, customize, and schedule text campaigns, as well as analyze how your campaigns performed.

Some platforms also easily integrate with your customer relationship management (CRM) system so you can pull in updated customer information and use it to segment and target your audiences for specific messages. Choose the SMS marketing software that has what you need, depending on how you plan to use text marketing.

3. Start texting

Once you have a fully opted-in subscriber list and SMS marketing software, now you’re ready to start sending messages. We’ll cover the different types of messages and campaigns you can create below, along with texting best practices.

But to begin with, you can test the waters by creating a brief, simple message, such as announcing a one-day-only sale or offering a discount code to all SMS subscribers — something that you’re comfortable offering and that works for your business. Then see what kind of response you get.

4. Provide an opt-out option

Equally as important as ensuring opt in is providing an opt-out option with every message you send — such as “Reply STOP to end” or something similar. This allows anyone to remove themselves from your SMS subscriber list at any time.

Opt in and opt out are key tenets of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), which protects consumers from unwanted text messages and governs how businesses can use texting. The law mandates that you only text the people who want to be texted and not bother them if they don’t want texts from you.

Best practices for SMS marketing

As you get started with SMS marketing, it’s important to understand and follow best practices so you can be as effective as possible. Here’s how to get the most out of texting your customers:

  • Keep your messages brief and conversational: Think about texting your customers like you would your friends and family. Short, informal, conversational messages work best. No one wants to read a paragraph of information when a line or two will do. If you’re not able to keep your message brief, consider using a different channel for it — such as email or a newsletter.
  • Don’t go over 160 characters: On that note, if you do try to send a long message, it’ll likely get broken up and sent in multiple parts, which can easily annoy your audience. To avoid that happening, make sure your messages are no longer than 160 characters. And if you’re including a URL in your text, use a URL shortener such as Bitly (or similar) to ensure you stay within the 160-character limit.
  • Stay compliant with all laws: At minimum, you need to make sure your subscribers have opted in and can opt out at any time per the TCPA mentioned above. Additionally, there are other rules and regulations to be aware of, including the CAN-SPAM Act, which deals specifically with commercial email or texts, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which deals with collecting and processing personal information.
  • Offer double opt-in: Collecting phone numbers from people who have consented to be added to a subscriber list does meet opt-in requirements. But to really cover your bases, consider offering double opt-in, which means that the first text you send to a new subscriber reiterates consent by asking the subscriber to reply with “Yes” or “Y” to continue to get texts from you, or “No” or “N” to stop getting texts from you.
  • Include a call to action: Texting is a great opportunity to get your audience to act, so whenever possible, include a call to action in your messages. It can be anything from asking them to call for more information to booking an appointment to clicking a link that takes them to your website, a sale page, or a place to leave a review.
  • Segment and target your audience(s): Sending a text that has widespread appeal is a great use of SMS marketing, but an ever better use of it is when you can segment your audience for targeted, personalized messages. You can use information like past purchase history, length of time they’ve been a customer, and other personal data to send them messages that are specific to their behaviors and preferences and therefore most likely to resonate with them.
  • Be strategic about timing: Sending messages that coincide with holidays, special events, or even the changing seasons is a great way to make your brand or business top of mind with your audience when they’re already thinking about those holiday- or season-specific purchases they want to make.
  • Use a consistent, balanced approach: Successful text marketing is all about consistency and balance. You don’t want to send too many texts and irritate your customers, nor do you want to send too few and miss out on the results you want. Come up with a cadence that works for you and then stick to it, but also know that it’s okay to evolve it as your SMS strategies and subscriber list changes.

Types of SMS marketing campaigns 

SMS marketing campaigns typically fall into three buckets: promotional, transactional, and conversational. Here’s a high-level summary of each.

Promotional text marketing

Promotional texts are useful for sparking interest in a product or service, and can include everything from special offers, coupons, and discount codes to offering extra points in a loyalty program or a free gift with a product purchase or appointment booking. 

Transactional text marketing

Transactional texts notify customers about something time-sensitive — such as information about a recent order, a shipping or delivery update, a product update, or some kind of action the customer needs to take. 

Conversational text marketing

Conversational texts provide an opportunity for the customer to respond, creating a back-and-forth that flows like a real human interaction. Most conversational texting by businesses is done with a combination of humans and automated responses. 

Ready to get started?

SMS marketing is one of the best ways to engage your customers today and help them feel connected to your brand or business. And now that texting is easier than ever, with a variety of texting platforms on the market as well as agencies that offer SMS marketing services, you can choose whatever makes the most sense for your business and start reaping the benefits.

What to Look for in SMS Marketing Software Mon, 30 Oct 2023 16:00:00 +0000

The underlying foundation of any effective SMS marketing strategy is good software, but with so many texting platforms out there, how do you know what to look for?

Most SMS marketing software tools cover the basics for setting up, sending, and managing text campaigns. Others boast a collection of bells and whistles over and beyond the basics that can feel completely overwhelming.

Fortunately, you don’t need all the bells and whistles to make SMS marketing effective. You just need the right approach.

SMS marketing that makes sense

If you operate a small local business or a multi-location one, or you run a digital agency that supports local businesses, and you want the benefits of SMS marketing without the overwhelm, it’s most helpful to look at the SMS marketing function as an extension of reputation management. 

Here’s what we mean:

The customers who sign up for texts from your business already appreciate you. How do you know who those customers are? You can find out by monitoring and managing your online reputation — i.e., collecting customer reviews and other types of feedback. 

When you’re able to identify who your avid and loyal fans are, you can then grow your SMS subscriber base. SMS marketing becomes the next logical step in engaging your happy customers, improving the customer experience, and attracting new customers. 

Focusing on how reputation management and SMS marketing work together can help you narrow down your choices of software and worry less about ending up with functionality you don’t really need.

With that in mind, there are certain SMS features and capabilities that are especially useful today and can meet your specific business, customer, and regulatory needs. 

Whether you’re in the market to adopt your first SMS platform or need to switch from what you’re currently using, here’s a rundown of the must-haves when evaluating SMS marketing software. 

1. Ease of use & smart functionality

First and foremost, SMS marketing software needs to be easy to use and include relevant features that accommodate how businesses operate today. A smart, user-friendly platform provides:

  • Quick onboarding so you can get up and running on your own and start building your SMS campaigns right away.
  • Clear instructions for how to create and send a text message — no complicated or lengthy user manual required.
  • Automation that defines easy opt-in user flows and helps you automatically create, test, and schedule messages at the right time — all with just a few clicks.
  • Customizability & flexibility for creating and changing any message to suit any audience and being able to do so on the fly.
  • Link shortener so you can include a link as a call to action (CTA) without going over the 160-character limit.
  • Click tracker to determine when links are clicked and the click-through rate so you can track message performance..
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) assistance in crafting your text messages when you need to save time and effort. 
  • MMS or multi-media messages and emojis that can boost open and engagement rates. 
  • Two-way messaging that allows your subscribers to respond to your texts so you can have a back-and-forth interaction.
  • Bulk capabilities to reach a large number of subscribers at once with promotional campaigns or reach prospects with opt-in campaigns to boost your numbers.
  • Campaign measurement with analytics and reporting so you know how your campaigns performed and what your ROI is.
  • Scalability so that as your business and customer base grows, your SMS marketing software can easily grow with it.

2. Customer data & list building capabilities

SMS marketing works best when you can rely on your current customer data and reputation management system to build targeted campaigns. A good one-stop platform should:  

  • Integrate with your customer relationship management (CRM) tool so you can create segmented lists of customers for personalized, highly relevant communications that increase engagement.
  • Incorporate customer feedback data such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys, product or service reviews, and other customer insights to inform your SMS campaign strategy.
  • Capture customer phone numbers and SMS opt-ins when a customer is asked to leave a review.
  • Allow for list uploads when customer data is gathered in-store or through other means.
  • Provide contact status information to identify customers who have opted in to SMS or not.

3. Compliance

Last but not least, SMS marketing software needs to help you stay legally compliant. A platform designed with compliance in mind helps you:

  • Meet the standards of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)CAN-SPAM Act, and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which protect the rights of consumers and generally ensure that:
    • 1) consumers only receive texts from businesses for whom they have explicitly given consent,
    • 2) consumers have the right to opt out or unsubscribe from these texts at any time, and 
    • 3) any consumer data collection — such as asking for contact info like phone numbers — is done so lawfully and transparently.
  • Automatically get double opt-in for text subscribers.
  • Provide opt-out options in every message for every text subscriber — automatically updating the contact status when they unsubscribe.

SMS Compliance Guide

Learn how to properly get SMS opt-in from your customers

GatherUp: Effective SMS marketing software for your business

GatherUp’s comprehensive reputation management platform includes SMS marketing capabilities so you can integrate your text strategies with your reputation management ones. From a single platform, you can:

  • Monitor and gather customer feedback
  • Use the feedback along with other customer data to develop strategic SMS campaigns
  • Send targeted, personalized messages to individuals or customer segments
  • Track campaign performance
  • Uncover valuable insights that help you improve the customer experience and create even more effective SMS campaigns  
  • Maintain SMS compliance with opt-in confirmations and opt-out options

To learn more about GatherUp’s SMS marketing capabilities and how they can support your business, schedule a demo.

Holiday Tips & Text Messages for Businesses Fri, 20 Oct 2023 17:51:33 +0000

Text Message Templates by Holiday

Holiday text messages for business are a huge opportunity to connect with your customers and prospects through SMS marketing — or texting. You can alert your SMS subscribers to sales, special promotions, events, and other holiday-related announcements through quick, personalized messages that reach them wherever they are. All they need is a smartphone.

This year, consumers plan to spend an average of $1,652 on holiday purchases. But inflation is still a factor for some people, which is why targeted text messaging that emphasizes value can help build interest and alleviate spending concerns, getting more of your customers in the door or purchasing online. And there’s no better way to send a targeted, timely message than with a text. 

As the holiday season approaches, here are some text messages for business that you can borrow. We’ve also noted which industries the text message template works best for. But you can customize the templates to your specific business, industry, and brand voice, or use them as creative inspiration to come up with others. 

Halloween Text Message Templates

The opportunity: Halloween is a consumer heyday, with people loading up on costumes, home decor, candy, yard decorations, and more. It’s a time when you can have some fun and be clever.

Tip: Don’t have a Halloween angle to your business – you can still participate in the seasonal fun with a general fall-themed campaign. Think pumpkins, chilly temps, and a cozy atmosphere.

Text Message Template:

Exclusive SMS promotion:

Hi [name],

In honor of Halloween, what’s your favorite scary movie? Text us your answer and get a spooky-good gift. 

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for most industries.

Sale announcement:

Hi [name],

Our Halloween sale runs from [date] to [date]. Get great discounts on candy, costumes, and more. Show up for a haunting good time!

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for retail.

In-store discount:

Hi [name],

Stop by in your Halloween costume and get [percent] off your purchase. We can’t wait to see your most macabre mad scientist, creepy cat, or ghoulish ghost!

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for retail and restaurants.

Thanksgiving Text Message Templates

The opportunity: For many people, Thanksgiving is defined by gratitude and goodwill, so it’s a perfect time to reflect the spirit of the holiday and adopt a warm, gracious tone.

Tip: Discounts and gifts are nice, but a simple, heartfelt greeting can go a long way with your customers too.

Text Message Template:

Customer loyalty discount:

Hi [name],

We’re so grateful to have you as a customer. As a special thank you, please use promo code [code] and get [percent] off at checkout. Warmest wishes!

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for most industries.

Charitable donation:

Hi [name],

Celebrate Thanksgiving with us by giving back. Please consider making a small donation to [charity name], a great organization we’ve worked with for years. 

Learn more about [charity name] and make your donation here:

[insert short link]

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for most industries.

Customer “thank you”:

Hi [name],

Thank you for being our customer. It’s been a pleasure serving you this year. Have a warm and lovely Thanksgiving holiday.

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for most industries.

Black Friday Text Message Templates

The opportunity: Big savings abound on Black Friday when consumers shop for great deals they can’t get any other time of the year. Hyping your deals is right in line with their expectations. 

Tip: Send a text to get your audience’s attention quickly, then follow up with an email. Cross-channel marketing allows you to provide more details and additional links that otherwise wouldn’t fit in one text.

Text Message Template:

Sale announcement:

Hi [name],

Black Friday is almost here! Plan your shopping by checking out our upcoming deals. Click the link to learn more:

[insert short link]

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for retail and service businesses.

Same-day sale reminder:

Hi [name],

Black Friday is here! Don’t miss out on the great deals. Come in now and get up to [percent] off select brands and products. 

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for retail.

Same-day promotion:

Hi [name],

Tired from Black Friday shopping? Need to put your feet up? Join us at [restaurant], take a breather, and get a free appetizer between [time range]. One per group.

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for restaurants.

Cyber Monday Text Message Templates

The opportunity: Many consumers prefer to shop online these days, so if you have ecommerce capabilities, Cyber Monday is your jam.

Tip: Don’t have ecommerce? You can still bring customers through your door with other kinds of in-store offers.

Text Message Template:

Sale announcement:

Hi [name],

Stay home and shop! Take advantage of our upcoming Cyber Monday sale. Check out the link below to see the great deals you can get:

[insert short link]

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for retail and service businesses.

Same-day sale reminder:

Hi [name],

Don’t forget it’s Cyber Monday! Head over to our online store right now and see what kind of amazing deals are at your fingertips:

[insert short link]

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for retail and service businesses.

In-store drawing or giveaway:

Hi [name],

Who says you need to stay at home on Cyber Monday? Drop by our store and enter to win a free [product or service]! Learn more below:

[insert short link]

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for retail and service businesses.

Christmas Text Message Templates

The opportunity: There are such a wide range of messages appropriate for Christmas that you almost can’t go wrong.

Tip: Make your messages adaptable to customers who may celebrate other holidays during the month of December — such as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or even Festivus.

Text Message Template:

Holiday event booking:

Hi [name],

Christmas is fast approaching. Don’t forget to book our private room for your holiday party. Hurry while reservations are still available!

[insert short link]

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for restaurants and hospitality.

Community event participation:

Hi [name],

We’re excited to participate in [community event] this year. Join us next [day] and enjoy festive snacks, free giveaways, and an appearance by Santa!

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for most industries.

After-Christmas sale:

Hi [name],

Come in for our after-Christmas sale from [date range]! Get [percent] off all inventory. Or shop online with us:

[insert short link]

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for retail.

New Year’s Text Message Templates

The opportunity: The new year is a fresh start, and with it comes the opportunity to capitalize on optimism, renewal, and those famous resolutions.

Tip: It’s also a good time to share any plans that are in the works for your business — such as upcoming new product lines or service offerings — to help build audience anticipation.

Text Message Template:

Customer loyalty offer:

Hi [name],

We look forward to another year together! As a loyal customer, please enjoy a free gift with any purchase of [product or service] during the month of January. Learn more here:

[insert short link]

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for retail and service businesses.

Holiday hours update:

Hi [name]

We will be closed on New Year’s Day. But we look forward to seeing you soon! Book your first reservation [or appointment] of the new year now.

[insert short link]

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for restaurants, healthcare, and service businesses.

New Year’s promotion:

Hi [name],

New year, new you! Start off on a good note with [percent] off any [service] when you book now through [date]. Schedule here:

[insert short link]

Reply STOP to end.

Works well for healthcare and service businesses.

Learn how GatherUp’s SMS marketing capabilities can help you connect with your customers this holiday season and create memorable, effective campaigns. Schedule a demo today. 

When to Use SMS Marketing vs Email Marketing Tue, 24 Oct 2023 16:10:38 +0000

If you haven’t adopted SMS marketing, now might be the time. The benefits of SMS marketing are numerous, and businesses are seeing success with it. But you shouldn’t throw out all your traditional ways of marketing right away. 

While SMS marketing is the fastest-growing marketing channel in the world, we believe that email is still an effective marketing channel as well. And rather than choosing one over the other, combining your email marketing strategy with SMS is likely to 2X your marketing effectiveness. 

We’ll explain why and how — starting with the case for email marketing. 

Is Email Marketing Still Effective?

The average email open rate across industries is 21%. And according to MailChimp, the average click-through rate for an email marketing campaign is around 3%. That may not seem significant, but it could be depending on the size of your email marketing list. 

Email marketing, once the undisputed digital marketing champion, has faced challenges in recent years due to declining engagement rates. Consumers are more savvy at spotting and filtering out promotional emails. This decline in engagement has prompted marketers to reevaluate their email strategies.

Regardless, email is still a top marketing channel for many reasons. 

Why Email Marketing Is Still Important

According to recent research we conducted, 63% of businesses use an email marketing platform — that’s more than any other marketing tool out there. That’s because email is still effective at influencing consumer decisions. According to another survey of over a thousand online shoppers, when asked what influences their buying decision, email comes first.

Pros of email marketing: 

  • Versatility: Email marketing allows for creativity and personalization with unlimited space for content, making it ideal for newsletters, long-form content, and detailed product descriptions.
  • Automation: Many email marketing platforms offer advanced automation features, allowing you to send targeted messages based on behavior and demographics, increasing the relevance of your emails.
  • Cost-Effective: Email marketing is often more cost-effective than SMS marketing, especially when dealing with a large subscriber list. Some pricing models for SMS will charge you by the text. 

Cons of email marketing: 

  • Declining Engagement Rates: As mentioned, email open rates are declining. Though not at a significant rate to warrant concern just yet, it is a consideration for future marketing strategies. 
  • Spam Filters: Emails often end up in spam folders, reducing their visibility and effectiveness. And if you use Google, promotional emails can be automatically bucketed into a “Promotions” folder and never looked at. 

Delayed Communication: Unlike SMS, emails are not as immediate, which can be a drawback for time-sensitive promotions.

chart of email marketing click through rates over time

Why SMS Marketing Is on the Rise

SMS marketing, slow to take off, has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience. According to MobileSquared, 90% of SMS messages are read within 3 minutes of being received, with response rates well over that of email. As a result, these engagement rates have captured the interest of marketers worldwide.

But are consumers open to text from businesses?

Consumer sentiment is a crucial factor in determining the effectiveness of any marketing strategy. One study by Grand View Research found that 75% of consumers prefer texting customer support over interacting via phone or social media. Other research shows this preference translates to promotional content too, with 90% of consumers saying they would sign up to receive text messages from businesses.  

However, it’s essential to respect their preferences and provide easy opt-out options —- in fact, it’s legally required.

SMS Compliance Guide

Learn how to properly get SMS opt-in from your customers

Pros of SMS marketing: 

  • High Open and Engagement Rates: As mentioned, SMS messages have incredibly high open rates, making them an ideal channel for time-sensitive promotions and announcements. SMS marketing ensures your message reaches your audience promptly.
  • Instant Delivery: SMS messages are delivered instantly, ensuring your marketing content reaches recipients in real-time. This immediacy is especially advantageous for promotions during flash sales or urgent updates.
  • Easy to Track ROI: Hallelujah! A marketing strategy that is as straightforward as can be in tracking. Create a custom UTM URL to add to your texts and you’ll know exactly how many clicks you’ve received and purchases that have come from it. 
  • Opt-in Audience: SMS marketing often requires users to double opt-in, meaning you are reaching an audience that is already interested in your products or services, increasing the chances of conversions.

Cons of SMS marketing: 

  • Character Limitations: SMS messages have a strict character limit (usually 160 characters), which can be challenging for conveying detailed information or lengthy messages. So you may have to get savvy in how you communicate, being brief, concise, and to the point. More on best practices for crafting SMS messages here
  • Compliance & Privacy Concerns: Overzealous SMS marketing can lead to privacy concerns and annoy customers if not managed carefully. It’s important to obtain explicit consent from users and provide opt-out options.
  • Getting Subscribers: Unlike email, people are very hesitant to give out their phone numbers to just anyone. It can take a significant incentive to get consumers to subscribe — and only those who truly like you will stay opted-in. 

Examples of When to Use SMS vs Email

So, which is better, SMS marketing or email marketing? The answer isn’t a clear-cut one. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy is often a combination of the two. Here’s why you should consider using both text and email marketing strategies:

  • Diverse Reach: SMS and email marketing cater to different preferences. Some people prefer quick, concise SMS messages, while others prefer the depth and visual appeal of emails. By using both, you cover a broader spectrum of audience preferences.
  • Enhanced Engagement: SMS can grab immediate attention, making it perfect for flash sales or limited-time offers. Email, on the other hand, allows for more extensive storytelling and nurturing customer relationships over time.
  • Complementary Effect: SMS and email marketing can complement each other. For instance, you can use SMS to alert customers about a sale and follow up with a detailed email containing product descriptions and reviews.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Using both channels allows you to gather more comprehensive data on customer behavior and preferences, which can inform your future marketing strategies.

When to Use SMS Marketing

SMS marketing makes the most sense for time-sensitive communications. It’s also ideal for loyal customers who love your brand, product, or service and for communications that can be quickly and easily communicated in fewer words. Overall, SMS is better for the following types of communications: 

  • Time-Sensitive: SMS is ideal for delivering urgent and time-sensitive texts such as urgent promotions, appointment reminders, order and shipping updates, emergency notifications, and other important alerts. 
  • Short and Concise: When your message is short and straightforward, such as announcing a store closure or changes in business hours, SMS is more efficient in delivering the message quickly.
  • Customer-Specific: It’s harder to come up with text message ideas for people who aren’t your customers. If they are your customer you have a lot more information about them to be able to send them personalized messages — and they’ll be more open to them.
  • Location-Based: If you’ve got a phone number, you’ve got an area code. It makes it easier to target customers in specific locations with promotions that are relevant to their geographic region. Even better if you also have their zip code!

Get Started with SMS Marketing

A comprehensive guide on how to start and scale your SMS marketing services

When to Use Email Marketing

Use email marketing when you’ve got more information you need to share or information that the customer might like to save and reference later. It’s also better to use email to nurture customers who are new to your brand, product, or service in a less intrusive way. Use email for communications that involve: 

  • Detailed Information: When you need to provide comprehensive information, such as long-form content, product descriptions, educational content, videos, or lots of images, email is the better choice due to its unlimited character space and customizable formatting. 
  • Nurturing Leads: Email has been proven effective at lead nurturing. It’s easier to set up a series of automated emails to educate prospects and guide them through the sales funnel. Then once they convert, get them to subscribe to SMS communications!
  • Larger Lists: When dealing with a large subscriber list, email is generally more cost-effective than SMS. Most email marketing platforms don’t charge you based on the number of emails you send.
  • Less Urgent Announcements: If the message doesn’t require immediate attention and isn’t critical to communicate, email is a more relaxed and suitable channel for consumers to digest content on their own time. 

Combining SMS marketing with email marketing should be your ultimate strategy

In a debate between SMS marketing vs. email marketing, there’s no clear winner. The effectiveness of each channel depends on your specific goals, target audience, and the nature of your products or services. Instead of choosing one over the other, savvy marketers are harnessing the power of both SMS and email marketing to create a more holistic and engaging customer experience.

As marketing professionals in an agency or corporate setting, it’s vital to adapt to the changing landscape of digital marketing. By embracing both SMS and email marketing strategies, you can maximize your reach, engage customers on multiple fronts, and stay ahead in the competitive world of digital marketing. 

Why choose one when you can have the best of both worlds? It’s time to strike the perfect balance and reap the rewards of a well-rounded marketing approach.

GatherUp Makes SMS Marketing Easy, Affordable, & Compliant

GatherUp extends the impact of SMS marketing by combining your SMS marketing strategy with your reputation management. The people most likely to opt-in to your SMS marketing are the ones who love you! With GatherUp, you can capture customer feedback and review data that makes it easy to identify the customers who love you and automatically enroll them in your SMS marketing. 

Then you can send targeted text campaigns, track performance, and glean valuable insights to drive better customer experiences. Using GatherUp for your SMS marketing needs allows you to: 

  • Easily obtain written explicit consent to build and maintain a compliant SMS subscriber list 
  • Create segmented lists of customers for more personalized communications
  • Test and schedule messages to improve engagement rates 
  • Use customer feedback and insights to inform your SMS campaign strategy 
  • Incorporate Net Promoter Score data to identify and win back your detractors, thank your promoters, and influence your neutrals 

To learn how GatherUp can support an SMS marketing strategy for your local business or agency clients, book a demo with us today. 

What Is SMS Marketing? Fri, 06 Oct 2023 18:02:19 +0000

SMS marketing has enormous potential for local businesses that want to reach, communicate, and engage with their customers in relevant, cost-effective ways that align with today’s lifestyles. For many people, that’s a text message. But what is SMS marketing?

Since around 85% of people now own a smartphone, getting in front of them with a text message is a great way to grab their attention in real-time and inspire them to take action — whether it’s booking an appointment, making a purchase, leaving a review, or something else. 

While SMS marketing is nothing new, it’s grown significantly in the past few years. According to Grand View Research, the SMS marketing industry will be worth 12.6 billion by 2025. And it’s growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.3%. 

As a business owner or marketer, this means if you’re not already adopting SMS marketing, you may be falling behind in terms of your marketing efforts. In fact, Gartner predicts that by 2025, 80% of service-oriented organizations will use SMS and other messaging channels as the preferred means of communication, making SMS useful for more than just marketing and promotions. 

The good news is that many SMS marketing platforms for small businesses are easy to implement and use, allowing you to get started relatively quickly and reap the rewards.

Learn more about SMS marketing and what it can do for your local business. 

Definition of SMS marketing

What is SMS marketing? Let’s start with SMS. SMS stands for “short message service,” otherwise known as texting. SMS marketing, a.k.a. text message marketing, enables you to quickly and effectively engage with your customers via a text message. You can use texting to share promotions, event announcements, discount codes, customer service updates, appointment confirmations and reminders, surveys, and much more.

With SMS marketing, you control the means of communication and the message, which makes it ideal for authentic, personalized, real-time interaction between your business and your customers. 

How SMS marketing works

SMS marketing is generally considered a quicker, easier way to reach your customers than traditional marketing channels, and it has a better engagement rate than email. Text open rates are as high as 98%, whereas email open rates are only around 20%. 

To get started with SMS marketing, you first need to build a list of subscribers. You can do this in a number of ways:

  • Collect phone numbers on your website
  • Invite your social media followers to sign up
  • Ask for phone numbers in addition to email when building a contact list
  • Advertise a QR code on your store signage that customers can scan to subscribe
  • Provide a number code that customers can text to subscribe
  • Offer discounts or special offers like free shipping to customers who sign up

It’s important that you only text customers who have provided double opt-in. In other words when you ask for phone numbers or when customers sign up in some other way, you need to disclose what they’re signing up for, then text them once they sign up to get explicit written consent. 

Each text you send also needs to include an opt-out, or unsubscribe, option to comply with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), which governs and regulates texting. This allows your customers who are no longer interested in getting your texts to opt-out immediately. If you’re unfamiliar with SMS marketing compliance, be sure to review the guide below.

SMS Compliance Guide

Learn how to properly get opt-in from your customers

Once you have a list of subscribers, you can start sending a variety of text communications. It’s a good idea not to bombard your customers with too many texts, as this can annoy them and they may unsubscribe. But for the most part, once a customer has opted in, they expect to see texts from your business, as long as they are relevant. 

Benefits of SMS marketing

There are many benefits of SMS marketing, especially for local businesses that want to grow a loyal customer base and stay competitive. With SMS marketing, you can:

  • Reach more people: The widespread use of smartphones and the popularity of texting makes SMS marketing one of the best channels you can use if you want to reach more of your audience.
  • Increase customer engagement: Because texts are so immediate — a customer sees it quickly and can respond right away — your message doesn’t get lost or ignored for hours or days, as it might in an email inbox. The response rates of texts are also higher than email — about 45% for texts vs. 6% for email. 
  • Optimize the customer experience: Texting customers with valuable, relevant, personalized content shows them that your business understands their needs, behaviors, and preferences — all which help deliver a better customer experience overall. 
  • Improve customer loyalty: Local businesses excel when they’re able to develop great relationships with their customers. The personal, authentic nature of texting helps you establish more trusting and emotional connections with your customers that improve and deepen customer loyalty.
  • Get started easily: Many texting platforms are quick and easy to fire up, minimizing the time you have to spend learning a new tool. Also, you don’t need a graphic designer or to spend tons of time writing content to send out a simple yet effective text. 
  • Get a great ROI: With a relatively low cost to get started and the wider reach and better engagement that comes with texting, you get more for your investment than you do with other marketing and advertising methods and tools.

What is an SMS campaign?

An SMS campaign is similar to any other marketing campaign: You define the audience, come up with a goal, decide on timing, create a message or promotion, and determine how you will measure the campaign’s success. With SMS, you share the message or promotion as a single text or a series of texts, depending on your objectives.

When you run an SMS campaign, it’s important to adhere to the character limits of texting. A single text message should be no more than 160 characters. If your message is more than that, it will be broken up and sent as multiple messages, which can be disjointed and annoying for your customers on the receiving end. It’s better to stick to a short, to-the-point message, but if that isn’t doable, you might consider sending it as an email instead.

It’s also important to always include a clear call to action (CTA) — meaning, what do you want the customer to do when they read the message? Provide a link or instructions so they can easily take the next step, such as “fill out a short survey here” or “buy it online here.” 

SMS marketing campaigns are especially effective when you use audience targeting and personalization. You can segment your customers into different groups, then create and send texts that are specific to those audiences and will have special appeal for them.

For example: 

  • Send new SMS subscribers a special thank-you gift or offer for signing up. This kicks off engagement with them right away and can inspire them to become bigger fans of your brand or business.
  • Alert customers who have recently purchased a specific product about an upcoming promotion or sale on the product. By personalizing the communication based on past purchase history, you can boost revenue and strengthen the customer relationship.
  • Ask any customer who made a purchase in the last 48 hours to leave a review and offer a free gift for doing so. The net result is that you can get more customer reviews, which helps maintain a positive online presence and increase conversions.
  • Invite your long-term customers to be beta users of a new product or service in exchange for a discount or extra points in a loyalty program. Customers like to feel special, and this is an excellent way to include them in your business and ensure they remain customers for life.    

Get Started with SMS Marketing

A comprehensive guide on how to start and scale your SMS marketing services

Why is SMS marketing growing?

SMS marketing is having an economic and cultural moment. There are many reasons for the strong growth of SMS marketing:

For one, texting used to be expensive back when phone plans charged per text. Today, many plans offer unlimited texting, which has allowed the public to make full use of it — extending it beyond just a way to chat with friends and family.

SMS marketing was already on the rise, but the COVID pandemic that began in 2020 only accelerated it. More consumers started using their smartphones and mobile devices to shop while they were staying at home. Temporarily unable to maintain contact with customers face to face, businesses had to get creative about how to stay engaged with them — which made texting a natural solution. 

Now, many consumers are comfortable shopping and interacting with brands and businesses on their phones. Different studies have found that around half — if not most — of consumers prefer getting texts from businesses over other channels. And the convenience factor is a big plus as well. Customers see a text from a favorite brand or business and can take immediate action. Everything can be done right there in real time on one device, with very little effort.

Texting also reflects the shorter attention spans of many consumers. Fewer people are willing to take the extra time to open up and read marketing emails, or they avoid emails altogether because they don’t want to deal with spam. Texting gets around the attention challenges of other marketing channels with its immediacy, brevity, and relevance.

In short, SMS marketing occupies the sweet spot between changing consumer behaviors and expectations and technology advancements that make texting easier and more convenient for everyone.

Which industries does SMS marketing work best for?

SMS marketing works well for a variety of industries. Local businesses in the following industries can see particular success with it:

  • Home services: Businesses that provide home services like plumbing, roofing, electrical, cleaning, and others can use SMS to engage with customers about quotes and estimates, appointment reminders, customer support responses, seasonal promotions, and discounted services. SMS helps home services businesses stay competitive and earn customer loyalty by being visible, responsive, and helpful to customers.
  • Healthcare: Healthcare businesses can use HIPAA-compliant SMS to engage with patients efficiently about appointment confirmations and reminders, notifications of lab results, patient surveys, and patient education. SMS helps healthcare businesses create a human connection with patients that’s quicker and more personal than other forms of healthcare communication.
  • Retail/restaurants: Retail and restaurants can use SMS to engage with customers about order completion and abandoned carts, order status updates, product or menu updates, reservation confirmations and reminders, deals and discounts at peak shopping or dining times, and feedback requests. SMS helps retail and restaurants stay top of mind with new and repeat customers so businesses can avoid revenue loss and better understand how to improve the customer experience.
  • Real estate: Realtors can use SMS to engage with buyers and sellers about property information, new listings, price updates, showings, open house schedules, and follow-up messages. SMS helps realtors gauge interest from and stay in communication with buyers and sellers quickly and easily in an industry in which trustworthy relationships are key and offers, negotiations, and sales happen fast. 

As you can see, there are countless ways to use SMS marketing to your advantage. If you’re just starting out and learning about what SMS marketing is, we’re here to help! Check out all of our resources on the topic below:

Consider GatherUp for your SMS Marketing Platform

GatherUp extends the impact of SMS marketing by combining your SMS marketing strategy with your reputation management. With GatherUp, you can gather and listen to customer feedback, then engage with them through strategic SMS campaigns. You can send targeted text campaigns, track performance, and glean valuable insights to drive better customer experiences. Using GatherUp for your SMS marketing needs allows you to: 

  • Easily obtain written explicit consent to build and maintain a compliant SMS subscriber list 
  • Create segmented lists of customers for more personalized communications
  • Test and schedule messages to improve engagement rates 
  • Use customer feedback and insights to inform your SMS campaign strategy 
  • Incorporate Net Promoter Score data to identify and win back your detractors, thank your promoters, and influence your neutrals 

To learn how GatherUp can support an SMS marketing strategy for your local business or agency clients, contact us today.

4 Ideas for SMS Marketing Campaigns Thu, 21 Sep 2023 18:32:02 +0000

So your business has decided to invest in an SMS marketing strategy — and now you want to get the most out of it. After all, the whole point of texting your customers is to get them to engage with your messages and take action so that you can see a return on your investment.

But what types of texts should you be sending?

There are a lot of purposes for and ways to use SMS (short message service) marketing, but a tried-and-true approach is to create campaigns. These are strategic, often one-off text messages that help you do the following:

  • Create a sense of urgency in the moment — such as during a one-day-only sale 
  • Announce upcoming promotions, seasonal sales or events, or new product launches
  • Nurture customer relationships and deepen loyalty

Because texting is such a quick and flexible way to communicate with customers, you can create campaigns as you go and even send them out on the same day. Unlike with traditional marketing strategies, you don’t need a lot of time or resources to ensure a good response to your efforts. 

Here are some ideas you can use for SMS marketing campaigns.

1. Send targeted promotions

Generic messages might net you results some of the time, but targeted messages have a far greater chance of resonating with your customers.

You can segment your SMS subscribers into groups that typically buy the same product or service or give the same type of feedback in surveys or customer reviews, for example. Then craft a text that speaks specifically to those different groups — such as announcing a flash sale on the products or services they like, promoting a new product or service that’s similar, or notifying them about a new feature that addresses a problem they’ve pointed out.

Pro tip: Use the customer’s name, mention their recent purchase or appointment, and the exact product or service they bought for more precise personalization.

When you show that you’re paying attention to your customers and understand their individual behaviors and needs, you can increase engagement, sales, and loyalty.

2. Offer subscribers-only perks

When your customers subscribe to SMS, it’s nice to give them something in return, which has the added benefit of enticing other customers to sign up who haven’t already. 

You can come up with and send exclusive offers that are only available to your subscribers — such as invitations to private sales, special discount codes, extra loyalty points, or access to insider knowledge or business updates that no one else can get. Or, if you throw a party or host an event, text them offering free or discounted entry or the ability to get tickets before anyone else. 

Pro tip: You don’t have to spend or give away a lot on these perks; even small offers can have a big effect.

Creating a sense of exclusivity is a great way to reward your SMS subscribers and make them feel special and prioritized — and turn them into champions of your business.

Guide: Get Started with SMS Marketing

A comprehensive guide on how to start and scale your SMS marketing services

3. Invite customers to give feedback

Texting is an efficient method for asking customers for feedback since you can reach them in real time when a purchase, service, or interaction is still fresh in their mind.

You can take the opportunity to find out what they like or don’t like about your products or services, what suggestions they have for improvements, and whether they would recommend your business to others. Send a text with a link to a survey or place to leave an online review, such as a Google review or a review on your website — making it super easy to click and provide feedback without hassle.

Pro tip: To increase response rates, you can also use SMS to follow up with customers from whom you’ve requested a review.

Directly asking your customers what they think gives them a real voice in your business that can improve the quality of your products and services, attracting more customers as a result.

4. Acknowledge customer milestones

One of the biggest benefits of texting your customers is that it fosters an emotional connection with them — and there’s no better way to do that than by acknowledging customer milestones.

You can keep a calendar of customer birthdays as well as anniversaries of their SMS sign-up date, first purchase, or first service. Before a big date approaches or on the actual date, send the customer a text with warm wishes and gratitude — and, if feasible, a small token of appreciation like a discount. 

Pro tip: Make your milestone text interactive by including a video, image, or link to your website that they can click to engage further and possibly even make a purchase.

These personal touch points go a long way toward creating customers for life. And when you increase customer loyalty and retention, you increase your revenue too. 

Up the effectiveness of your SMS strategy with GatherUp

SMS marketing is all about reaching your customers where they are in quick, friendly, action-oriented ways that get their attention and make them want to engage with your business. When leveraged the right way, SMS marketing can deliver results, including attracting and retaining more customers and earning more sales. 

GatherUp’s SMS capabilities are integrated into our comprehensive reputation management platform, letting you implement a successful texting strategy backed up by valuable data and insights. GatherUp gives you the tools to:

  • Run, manage, and measure the performance of your text campaigns
  • Segment your customers for personalized, targeted communications
  • Test and schedule text messages at optimal times for better engagement
  • Use customer feedback to create even more effective campaigns

To learn more about how your business can use GatherUp to get the most out of your SMS marketing strategy, schedule a demo.

5 SMS Marketing Myths and Why They’re Wrong Fri, 08 Sep 2023 14:27:23 +0000

Many U.S. businesses rely on SMS marketing to engage customers and drive business success, so much so that the market for SMS could be worth over $12 billion by 2025. 

At the same time, advancements in consumer mobile technology and wireless infrastructure — including the introduction of 5G networks — have made it faster, easier, and safer for people to use their phones to shop, purchase, and interact with brands, including via text message.

But while SMS (short message service — or texting) is one of the most popular and effective marketing channels today, there are also a lot of myths and misconceptions about it that can cause business owners and marketers to wonder: Does it work? Who does it actually work for? And is it worth the effort?

Let’s take a look at some of the top SMS marketing myths that might be holding you back, why they’re wrong, and how you can move past them. 

1. It annoys your customers

On the face of it, it’s not wrong to want to avoid annoying your customers. And it’s true that too much communication can turn off even the most avid fans of your business.

But think about it this way: Your customers won’t sign up for text messages unless they want to hear from you. That means if they’ve made the effort to opt in, they already like your brand or business and expect to get texts from you. In fact, almost half (48%) of consumers would rather receive communication from a business via text than through any other channel. And once customers are opted in, you could see an average response rate of 45%, compared to email at around 6%.

Of course, that doesn’t mean inundating your customers with every type of message under the sun. You still want to be deliberate about what you’re sending and to whom. To avoid wearing out your welcome, make sure to follow SMS marketing best practices. This includes listening to your customers, segmenting them appropriately, and sending brief, conversational, customized messages that speak to their specific preferences and needs.

2. It only appeals to younger customers

Most of your tech-savviest customers are probably going to be Gen Zers and Millennials. But it’s inaccurate to think they’re the only ones interested in or capable of using SMS.

Many people across generations own a smartphone: 85% of the total U.S. population does, and as of 2021, over 60% of adults aged 65 do too. Additionally, nearly everyone uses their smartphone to text, including 92% of people aged 50 and older. And interestingly, a recent study found that 75% of Baby Boomers and 76% of Gen Xers think of their phones as a necessity, which is slightly more than Gen Zers and Millennials at 71% and 68%, respectively. 

The reality is that smartphones and texting are so ubiquitous that communicating with your customers via text isn’t going to seem bewildering (plus, the customers who might find it too challenging aren’t likely to opt in). So whether your customers are old, young, or in between, consider that many are on their smartphones every single day and very comfortable with using them. SMS marketing simply helps you meet them exactly where they are.

3. It’s hard to get customers to opt in

OK, so you don’t have to worry as much about annoying your customers, or that only 20-year-olds will be interested, but at the end of the day, people are still people, and what’s really going to convince them to actually take the step of subscribing to SMS?

One of the biggest misconceptions about SMS is that you have to dangle a big discount in front of customers to get them to bite. But while this is certainly one way to do it, it’s not the only way — especially if you’re worried about how giving away copious discounts will impact revenue.

Try offering special or “insider” access to something instead. You can entice customers to sign up for SMS in exchange for getting first dibs on a new product or service, invitations to private sales, or exclusive access to parties or events. The idea is to make your customers feel special without having to cut too deeply into your profit margins.

Guide to SMS Compliance

How to Properly Get an SMS Opt-In for Promotional SMS

4. It’s too complicated to set up and use

You’d be forgiven for thinking that SMS marketing requires learning and managing complex software, or perhaps hooking together multiple software solutions. Of course that would feel overwhelming to anyone — especially if you operate a local business, single franchise location, or digital agency with a small team and don’t have an IT wizard on staff.  

However, many texting platforms are relatively easy to set up and use, and they automate much of the marketing function for you by segmenting customers, running texting campaigns, and tracking how the campaigns perform — without making you or your team jump through a lot of hoops or earn a PhD in technology.

You can adopt a user-friendly customer experience platform like GatherUp, which offers full-service SMS capabilities that integrate directly with your customer data (names, phone numbers, recent feedback, etc.). With the data, you can create targeted SMS campaigns and then analyze and report on your results — all in one place, no complicated hassles necessary.

5. It’s not well-suited for small businesses

The last myth standing in your way might be this: Only large companies have the clout to pull off an SMS marketing strategy.

But here’s the brilliant thing about SMS: Texting your customers is an excellent way to nurture relationships with them and build customer loyalty. And because small businesses tend to shine in that arena, more than their larger counterparts, this makes SMS a natural and highly effective extension of small business marketing. 

Further, most small businesses are local businesses that can take advantage of the flexibility in timing of SMS communications to target customers at peak times, holidays, or for local events. 

You can really drive the success of your SMS marketing strategy by sending texts that enable warm interactions with your customers:

  • Does someone have a birthday? Text them with well wishes and offer a coupon.
  • Got several repeat customers? Announce and invite them to join a loyalty program. 
  • Does a certain question keep coming up among your customers? Answer it in a text that goes out to everyone, further establishing your credibility as a business and letting your community of customers know you’re there for them. That is, after all, what small businesses do best.

To learn more about how SMS marketing integrated into GatherUp can support your business, franchise, or agency, contact us today.

Benefits of SMS Marketing: How to Boost Local Business Revenue Thu, 06 Jul 2023 19:41:55 +0000

The benefits of SMS marketing are numerous, especially for local businesses. Whether you’re in the retail, restaurant, hospitality, or service industry, leveraging the power of SMS marketing can help you improve the customer experience, make your local business stand out from the competition, and ultimately boost revenue. 

Before we explore how your business can leverage the benefits of SMS marketing to increase its revenue — or clients’ revenue — let’s start with what SMS marketing entails. 

What Is SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing — or, short message service, otherwise known as text messages — is a quick, cost-effective, and easy way to send targeted, personalized, real-time communications to customers via text. Customers opt-in to receive text messages that can include:

  • Limited-time offers and promotions
  • Discounts and coupons
  • Time-critical notifications and reminders
  • Customer service follow-ups
  • Invitations to special events or private sales
  • Customer surveys and feedback requests

What makes SMS marketing so effective is that brands can reach customers where they are — on their mobile phones — with relevant messages any time of day. In some cases, customers can answer back, creating a two-way conversation that increases engagement and strengthens relationships. Combined with the ability to target audiences precisely, you can see why this strategy has such widespread appeal and why there are so many benefits of SMS marketing.

5 Major Benefits of SMS Marketing 

1. Increased Engagement

SMS messages are more convenient and immediate, and don’t get lost in a cluttered inbox — something that benefits businesses and consumers. As a result, one of the most significant benefits of SMS marketing for local businesses is increased engagement with customers. A survey found 98% of all text messages are opened and 90% of them are read within the first three minutes of being received. If you compare that to the average open rate for emails — anywhere from 15-20% — it’s clear texting is far more effective at reaching people.

Another study found that 75% of customers would like to receive offers via SMS marketing for local businesses, while only 53% felt the same about email. This is a huge advantage for local businesses. 

2. Wider Audience Reach

According to recent statistics, there are over 6.92 billion smartphone users worldwide, and texting is one of the most popular forms of communication. With the majority of people keeping their phones within arm’s reach at all times, SMS marketing is a highly effective way to reach any target audience.

Say you have an average email open rate of around 20%, and we know SMS messages have an open rate of 98% — that means you can reach almost five times as many people through text messages than through email. 

3. Better ROI

One of the biggest struggles that local businesses face when it comes to marketing is the high cost associated with it. Traditional marketing tactics such as billboards, flyers, and radio ads can be incredibly expensive. And while digital marketing is a more cost-effective solution, strategies such as social media advertising and paid search campaigns can still cost a pretty penny. What’s more, recent studies have shown that social and search click-through rates are declining, making it more important than ever for local businesses to explore new marketing channels.

Text messages are generally less expensive than other forms of advertising but result in more engagement — meaning better ROI. Many marketing platforms offer SMS communications. But if your current one doesn’t, there are some very affordable options available that can integrate with your existing customer database to make it easy to get started. 

As a local business, you know every dollar counts. A marketing tactic that has a low-cost and broad reach is a no-brainer. And with the right platform, you can track and analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns easily and continually optimize and improve your SMS marketing strategy to get the most bang for your buck.

3. Highly Personalized 

Customers like receiving text messages from businesses because they feel like they’re receiving more personalized attention. Personalized communication is a crucial aspect of marketing in today’s business landscape. A study by Epsilon found personalized emails can deliver up to six times higher transaction rates than generic emails and drive 20% more sales compared to non-personalized marketing communications. Apply personalization to a marketing strategy like SMS where there are already higher engagement rates, and you’re sure to boost revenue fast. 

Local businesses can offer personalized deals, promotions, and updates that their customers care about, increasing their engagement and loyalty to the brand. For example, a local restaurant can send a text message with a special offer to customers who have visited their establishment before, enticing them to return and building customer loyalty. And a beauty salon can send reminders to clients about upcoming appointments to avoid no-shows and lost revenue. 

4. Improved Customer Experience

SMS marketing, when executed properly, can play a significant role in enhancing the customer experience. Unlike other marketing channels, such as email or social media, SMS marketing requires customers to actively opt-in to receive text messages. This opt-in process demonstrates that customers genuinely want to hear from you, which makes SMS marketing a highly impactful and valuable communication channel.

To ensure a successful SMS marketing strategy, it’s vital to have good intentions and provide customers with promotions and information that genuinely benefits them. This approach builds trust and strengthens the relationship between your brand and the customer. When customers consistently receive valuable and relevant content through SMS, it reinforces their perception of your brand as a trusted source of information, further improving the customer experience.

5. Easy to Implement

If you’re a local business owner, you only have so much time to dedicate to marketing. Unlike traditional marketing tactics, sending a text message requires minimal effort. There is no need to hire a graphic designer, spend hours writing content, or worry about learning a complicated platform. Simply segment your customers, write a quick personalized text, and hit send — it’s that simple. And if you use GatherUp, we make it even easier by helping you grow your subscriber list and maintain compliance with SMS marketing standards. 

Reap the Benefits of SMS Marketing with GatherUp

There are plenty of tools out there that you can use to send text messages to your customers. However, not all of them will provide you with the customization and analysis that can personalize, track, and improve your strategy. 

GatherUp extends the impact of SMS marketing by combining your text marketing strategy with your reputation management. With GatherUp you can gather and listen to customer feedback, then engage with them through strategic SMS campaigns. You can send targeted text campaigns, track performance, and glean valuable insights to drive better customer experiences. Using GatherUp for your SMS marketing needs allows you to: 

  • Create segmented lists of customers for more personalized communications
  • Test and schedule messages to improve engagement rates 
  • Use customer feedback and insights to inform your SMS campaign strategy 
  • Incorporate Net Promoter Score data to identify and win back your detractors, thank your promoters, and influence your neutrals 

GatherUp is one platform for local businesses to gather, listen to, and share customer feedback to create a great customer experience. If you’re ready to learn more, schedule a demo with one of our product experts.

Guide: Get Started with SMS Marketing

A comprehensive guide on how to start and scale your SMS marketing services
How to Get Started with SMS Marketing: Building Your First Campaign Fri, 07 Jul 2023 15:48:01 +0000

SMS marketing is nothing new. It involves sending promotional messages to customers through SMS (short message service) or text messages. They have, however, grown in use as a result of — you guessed it — COVID-19. Just like QR codes for menus or remote work, SMS marketing adoption has increased due to a more digitally connected world. 

As a local business, it can feel overwhelming to try and execute all the marketing tactics that can help your business. SMS marketing isn’t another complicated strategy. It’s one of the easiest, and most affordable, marketing tools you can use. SMS communications are incredibly versatile so no matter what type of business you run — there are probably twenty different ways to text to your advantage. The most common use cases include: 

  • Time-critical alerts and notifications such as reminders for appointments, when a customer may be running low on a product, etc. 
  • Account management and activity such as fraud prevention alerts and new login notifications
  • Customer service activities such as after-hours support 
  • Marketing and sales promotions such as events or new product launches
  • Customer feedback such as surveys and customer satisfaction ratings 

Keep in mind, before you launch your first SMS marketing campaign, you’ll need to build a customer list. 

You may already have customer contact information, but if not you can start collecting phone numbers from customers through your website, in-store, or other means. Just be sure they know they’re opting in to receive text messages from you. Once you have a sizable list you can build your strategy. Like any marketing strategy, there are a series of steps you should take before sending SMS messages to your customers or prospects.

Guide: How to Get More SMS Suscribers

Steps to Build an SMS Marketing Campaign 

  • Define your audience: Before sending any messages, determine who should receive each communication. You can segment them based on demographics, past purchasing behavior, or other factors. The more personalized you can get, though, the more engagement you’re likely to receive.  
  • Set some goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your SMS marketing campaigns. Each time you send a message your objective could differ — from driving sales to increasing website traffic to building brand awareness to getting referrals.
  • Determine frequency and timing: Decide how often you will send messages to your subscribers. Too many messages can lead to opt-outs, while too few may be ineffective. You can also play around to find the right timing and frequency for your texts. Just be cautious of early morning or late-night texts or spamming customers with too many messages. 
  • Craft your message: This is the easy part! But keep in mind, not everything is suited to be sent over a text. And depending on your type of business, certain SMS campaigns will make sense over others. We’ll share more on what to include in your actual text shortly. 
  • Measure the results: Track your SMS marketing metrics, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, to determine the effectiveness of your campaign. Use this data to refine your strategy and improve future campaigns. 

As you can see, SMS marketing doesn’t have to be overly complicated. It’s a simple process to get started with your first campaign. As a business owner, it’s easy to do and quick to implement. This means you can spend more time on other, more important aspects of running your business. Before you send your first message, here are some best practices to make sure you are communicating correctly and getting the most out of your SMS marketing. 

Best Practices for Texting Customers

Include a CTA and contact method

Any text you have should include a call to action, a way to opt-out, and a way to contact you. Even if you’re doing something as simple as reminding them of an appointment, a link for them to review the time and details of their appointment or to call you to reschedule can improve the customer experience — not to mention avoid no-shows and loss of revenue for your business.  

A CTA is also vital for any communications that you want to invoke a sense of urgency with — such as promotions. It can make a difference in conversions to link directly to a product page for customers to complete a purchase versus just your website. You can use a tool like Bitly to shorten the link to save on characters. 

Speak conversationally 

While a lot of marketing communications through email or your website are a time to be grammatically correct and professional — text isn’t one of them. You only have so many characters to communicate with so using short-hand abbreviations or emojis is okay, just make sure they are still easily understood by your customers. Additionally, texting is more personal, so text like you’d text your family or friends! 

Keep texts short and to the point 

A single text is typically 160 characters. However, you could send a message as large as 1600 characters, but after it reaches 160, it’s broken down into chunks. Avoid sending long messages where your customers get multiple texts at once — we all know how annoying that can be. If you find the message getting lengthy — an email may be better. 

Keep it legal

Under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), companies may not send messages to consumers without their consent. Don’t contact customers or prospects who haven’t voluntarily provided their contact information or opted into receiving your texts. It’s a sure way to irritate customers and get into trouble. Any message you send should also include a quick way to opt out of receiving communications, such as a line that says “Reply STOP to unsubscribe.” Read more about SMS compliance here

texting best practices graphic

Choosing an SMS Marketing Platform

To get started with your first SMS marketing campaign, in addition to a customer list and campaign strategy, you’ll need a tool to send out text messages. There are tons of options available, just make sure the platform you choose is: 

  • Feature-rich with tools that will help you create, manage, and optimize your SMS campaigns — such as contact management and analytics
  • Able to integrate with your existing marketing and CRM tools
  • Easy to use with clear instructions for how to create and send a text message in just a few clicks — extra points if it uses AI to help craft a text message!
  • Customizable when it comes to who you send messages to and what you say  
  • Compliant with the CAN-SPAM Act and GDPR with opt-in and opt-out options for your subscribers
  • Affordable but can scale with your business as you grow

GatherUp provides all of this while extending the impact of SMS marketing by combining your text marketing strategy with your reputation management. With GatherUp you can gather and listen to customer feedback, then engage with them through strategic SMS campaigns. You can send targeted text campaigns, track performance, and glean valuable insights to drive better customer experiences. Using GatherUp for your SMS marketing needs allows you to: 

  • Create segmented lists of customers for more personalized communications
  • Test and schedule messages to improve engagement rates 
  • Use customer feedback and insights to inform your SMS campaign strategy 
  • Incorporate Net Promoter Score data to identify and win back your detractors, thank your promoters, and influence your neutrals 

Interested in learning more? Schedule time with a product expert. 
